Regular Columns

Each month, I write a series of regular columns for the Ruseletter. The links below will help you discover older articles that you might find interesting. New articles will be highlighted in the Ruseletter on the last day of every month.

I use a "freeven" subscription model, which means that every evenly numbered article is free to read. In addition, all of the Legends of Legerdemain and Obscure Origins posts are not behind the paywall. I’ve done this to encourage all magicians, young and old alike, to learn more about the history of magic.

Want to read everything I write? Then I encourage you to upgrade to a paid subscription. I’ve kept the cost ridiculously cheap, given the amount of time and effort I put into each and every article. Currently, a monthly subscription costs $5 (£4) per month. Pay for an annual subscription, and you’ll get two months for free. So for $50 (£40) per year, you can get access to everything I write. Paid subscribers also gain direct access to all of the hidden pages on my blog. This includes 27 magic trick tutorials. However, if you are content with only accessing the free articles, then that is perfectly okay with me.

  • Corrupting the Classics - New versions of old classics.

  • Deeper Magic - Exploring the “deeper”, lesser-known secrets of magic.

  • Easy Does It - Self-working or semi-automatic magic tricks.

  • Fully Stacked - Card tricks using different types of stacks, including cyclical mathematical stacks and memorised stack work.

  • Hidden Gems - Unearthing forgotten tricks from old magic books, manuscripts and periodicals.

  • Hocus Focus - Articles on the often neglected topic of practising magic.

  • Legends of Legerdemain - Learn about colourful characters from magic’s rich history.

  • Obscure Origins - Uncover the secret history of popular magic tricks and sleight-of-hand moves.

  • Packet Trick Paradise - Learn a new packet trick or three!

  • Tricks, Tricks and More Tricks - Original, unpublished magic. Each article features three related tricks (by plot, method or presentation).

  • Understanding the Impossible - Read this column to understand some of the fundamental aspects of magic technique, presentation and theory.

  • Vernonesque - Magic tricks inspired by, and in the style of, Dai Vernon.

I also publish one or two feature articles per month on Marty’s Bag of Tricks that take a more detailed look at a specific topic not covered by the regular columns in the Ruseletter.